Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony
The Juneteenth Flag was created by former NJOF Massachusetts Juneteenth State Director and Founder of the National Juneteenth Celebration Foundation (NJCF), Ben Haith, in 1997. The flag underwent a revision in the year 2000 resulting in its’ present modern day design. In 2007, the phrase “June 19, 1865” was added to the flag to place the historic date that Juneteenth occurred in Galveston, Texas.
Haith spearheaded the historic first Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony in Boston, Massachusetts in 2000. The tradition of raising of the Juneteenth Flag at the Dillaway Thomas House at the Roxbury Heritage Park on the “19th of June” continues to this day.
Today, Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremonies have taken place throughout the month of June in communities across the nation, including Delaware, Boston, MA; Memphis, TN; Galveston, TX; and Omaha, NB.
If you are interested in participating in a future flag raising ceremony contact juneteenthdelaware@gmail.com